Clipperz is hiring a developer

July 28, 2014

We are looking for a developer interested in working on the Clipperz UI and, most notably, to become a full-time employee and a relevant shareholder in the company.

Help wanted

Giulio and I decided that it was time to speed things up and increase manpower.

As you may know, [Clipperz][home] is approaching the launch of the new release that will turn it into a paid service. The new version (/delta) will have a completely redesigned interface that will work great on any screen, from desktops to smartphones.

The new features (adaptive UI, offline-first strategy, tags, paid accounts management, search, …) are a huge challenge in terms of security, but they also require a great UI that needs to be carefully planned, designed and implemented.
This is the area where we are looking for help.

[Clipperz][home] is a pretty peculiar web app where all components are defined in Javascript code, from the core crypto algorithms, to the app logic and UI elements. Candidates should therefore have excellent Javascript skills and experience with UI development of web applications. Knowledge of the [React][react] library is a plus.

The deal is the following:

  • We offer a paid 3-month mentorship focused on understanding the complexities and subtleties of Clipperz software architecture. Each month you will be given assignments and tasks in order to prove your proficiency. We will pay you 1,000 EUR/month, in Bitcoin.
  • If you successfully complete all assignments, you will be offered an open-ended contract where the compensation package will consist of a regular paycheck plus company shares awarded as [colored coins][cc] issued by Clipperz itself.
  • Location: remote (unless you happen to live nearby [our office][contacts]).

If you are interested, send your CV and pointers to public repositories of your projects to: [][email].

Ideally we plan to complete the selection and enroll the new team member by mid August. In the meanwhile you can:

  • learn more about Clipperz and its plans from [this document (PDF)][intro];
  • take a look at the [Clipperz code base on Github][github] and start playing with the [/delta repository][delta].

Clipperz UI sneak peek

[intro]: /files/140722 - An introduction to Clipperz.pdf [email]: [contacts]: /about/contacts [cc]: [react]: [home]: / [github]: [delta]: